At 3 months Ellasen can:
* Smile
* Laugh (sometimes)
* Play with her tongue
* Play with her hands
* Grab something small if placed in her hand
* Try to sit up on her own
* Hold her head up
* Drink 5 oz at a time
* Put herself to sleep
* Wake up happy from her naps and in the morning
At 3 months Ellasen loves to:
* Watch other little kids
* Watch TV (oops) although it is mostly educational programs
* Watch people
* Go go to Go-Go's house (daycare)
* Be swaddled
* See mom or dad
* Sit in her bumbo seat
At 3 months Ellasen doesn't like:
* To get woken up from a nap (she likes to wake up on her own)
* To take a bath (usually)
* To sleep laying flat
* To take a pacifier (usually)
* Titan kisses (sloppy ones)
* Tummy time