April 2024

 We Started out April with our Spring Break trip to Cancun. We had a great time!

When we got back the little girls wanted to go through my grandma's tea cups and saucers. I used to do this all the time as a little girl!

The twins tennis team has been having a great season! They won their division and they are currently playing in the playoffs! Go Pink Avocados! 

Ellasen had a horse show this month and she did very well! 

Ellasen also had her 8th grade dance this month! She looked beautiful and had a great time! 

Everly had a little mark on her face lasered off this month. It will take a while to heal! 



The twins had a fun sleepover birthday party this month that was banana themed! So cute! 

Here are some cute pictures from this month. 

In May we will be finishing out the school year and jumping into summer! Can't wait!