June 2023

 We started off of the month with a bridal shower for Miss. Kenna!Ellasen couldn't make it but the little girls and I had the best time! 

While we were doing that Ellasen had an overnight horse show. She and Tim and Grandma all rented a camper and camped out with Sanford for a few days! 

Then it was time to celebrate Tim's and Papa's birthdays. We were lucky because Grandma was still here to celebrate! 

The girls had the best time this month doing swim team. Eden and Everly have been swimming for the Pirhanas and Ellasen has been volunteering in the bull pens. 

We have been spending a lot of time at the AAC pool this summer and the girls have been loving the diving boards! 

Ellasen went to UGA Nike Women's tennis camp this month! It was her first ever sleep away camp and she had so much fun with her bestie! Both families went to drop off the girls and spend the day in Athens. The boys went to a baseball game and the girls went shopping after we all enjoyed an amazing brunch at Last Resort!  We had the best time! 

While Ellasen was away at tennis camp the twins had Harry Potter Hogwarts camp. They absolutely loved it! They were sorted into houses (Hufflepuf), they took potions, care of magical creatures, played quiditch and wizards chess, and hunted for dragon eggs.

After the week at camp we headed down to the beach house with Papa to celebrate Father's Day! 

Ellasen had a few friends' birthday parties this month. She had a great time at both!

We went to a cool early Fourth of July show with Papa this month! 

Next month we will be in Europe for almost two weeks! We can't wait!