5 Months!

At 5 Months Ellasen

* Can take 5-7 oz of formula at a feeding
* Weighs 11 lbs 14 oz
* Can laugh
* Has tried rice cereal - not a fan
* Can roll over from her tummy to her back and sometimes from her back to her tummy
* Is very busy all the time
* Tries to "catch" her tongue with her fingers
* Has figured out where her feet are
* Is still wearing some newborn clothes. some 0-3 month clothes, and very few 3-6 month
* Is still wearing size 1 diapers
* Is still sleeping on her back and swaddled


* To read books and "helps" turn the pages
* To try out new noises
* To touch my face and hair
* To kick and hit toys that make noise
* Music - anything and everything!
* To ride in the car and "talk" or "sing"
* To go on walks/sleep on walks
* Playing in her bouncy
* TV...can't seem to break that one!
* New adventures

Doesn't Like

* Strangers - if Mom or Dad is right there it seems to be fine
* Being overly tired
* Not feeling well
* Rice cereal
* People sniffing ( like if they have a cold...weird, but true)
* Being woken up

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