9 Months!

My friend Sarah said to me last night, referring to Ella "This is the age when it got fun". I couldn't agree more! I remember feeling at 2 months like I could do this (this being parenting), at 6 months that I could really enjoy doing this, and now at 9 months I feel like I could maybe even, some day, do this again! Don't worry, it won't be any time soon. My point is that this whole "mommy thing" just keeps getting better and better. Her smile brightens my whole day, her laugh makes me forget about every thing going on around me, her cries (few and far between) break my heart, and her cuddles (also few and far between) make me want to stop time.  

At 9 Months Ella
*Weighs 17 lbs 7 oz (28th %)!
* Is 26 Inches long (15th %)
* Wears size 3 diapers
* Has 2 teeth
* Wears 6-9 month clothes mostly. Some 9-12 month - especially PJ's
* Still takes 2 naps a day. 1.5 hours in AM 3-4 hours PM 
* Sleeps 12 hours at night
* Crawls
* Can do at least one step, going up
* Loves ALL books
* Can pretty much eat anything we eat as long as it is small chunks.
* Is still taking 4 bottles a day
* Wants to be on the go ALL the time!
* Makes funny faces. A scowl and monkey lips are among her current favorites
* Can "click" her tongue
* Is most ticklish around her neck. Anywhere else pretty much just annoys her!
* Loves to chase the animals

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