USTA Nationals!

For those of you who don't know, I went to Palm Springs, CA this past weekend to play in the USTA National Tennis Tournament. This tournament was for 2.5 men and women and 5.0 men and women. I was there with my 2.5 women's team. The heat was extreme (107 degrees), and we played back to back matches on Friday afternoon. We played again on Saturday morning. We won four matches. We had a great time, but it would have been nice to to a little better in the tournament. Palm Springs is beautiful! There are mountains everywhere you look! This was pretty much a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I am really glad was able to make the trip! The first two are of the place we stayed. I know there is a team photo of us out there somewhere, but I haven't found it on the website yet. Once I do I'll add it to the blog.

22 Months!

We have hit a turning point this month. Ellasen is inching her way closer and closer to 2, and we are seeing such changes in her. Most of these changes are for the better, the cuter, the sweeter, etc, but some of the changes are a bit more challenging. Ellasen is really communicating. She almost always speaks in at least a 3 word sentence. She can make choices. I have given her choices since I can remember, even before she could ever decide anything for herself. I would stare into the pantry, and say "Hmmm, let's see, do you want green mush or orange mush today?" Then we got to a point where I could hold up two items and she would reach for one. Pretty soon she was learning words, and then when I would give her a choice she would always say the last choice as her answer. So it would go like this "Ellasen, do you want chocolate chips or green beans?" "Green beans!" That was predictable for a while, but this last month she has really started being able to choose what she actually wants. Sometimes she won't even pick from the list! "Ellasen, do you want peaches or oranges?" "STRAWBERRIES!" The new communication means less guess work for us, but it comes with a whole new sense of autonomy for my toddler. She knows now that she can control some decisions which, of course, means it is time to attempt to control ALL decisions. This has led to more than a few small battles, more and more timeouts, and more and more sorry Mommy's (so cute, by the way), and even (I hate to say it) a little bribery. Ellasen is stubborn. Tim and I can't say much because we have both been known to stick to our guns a time or two, but our forces may have combined with this child. I try to let the small things go. I try to let her do things herself. She surprises me often with how capable she is. I find that I am not ready to let her do something when she has complete confidence in her abilities. I have learned that if I let her try she might succeed. So I am letting her try. I am working on starting processes earlier so we have some time for her to try. It is a work in progress! The one thing I would wish for right now would be time. I wish we had more time in the day for her to try more things for herself. I wish I had a little more time before she turned 2. I wish we had a little more time before she grows up. Time. I find I am always wishing for more of that.

Here are some videos of Ellasen's latest accomplishments!

Nana and Uncle Jason Come for a Visit!

 My mom and brother came to visit us pretty unexpectedly this past weekend. They drove up for a few days, and we had a great time. Lots of talking, Wii, eating, drinking and watching Ellasen play. My mom and I took her to the aquarium at the Mall of America while Tim and my brother played golf. Ellasen had the best time. She kept saying "Look at that one!" She loved seeing all the fish, sharks, turtles and seahorses. We had a great weekend.