Another Mash Up of Photos

We have been having some pretty crazy storms lately! Here is the sky one evening here in Rochester when the storm clouds were really pronounced! 

For Father's Day we went out to breakfast and then we took Ellasen to the park. Tim got to golf too! 

Ellasen's friend Sydney turned two recently and had an outdoor art party! Between the cupcakes, the paints and the sprinkler most of the kids ended up in diapers or underwear (depending on their current state of potty training). It was pretty cute, and it was fun to celebrate another friend's birthday. 

At our last Thursday's on First I snapped a couple of pictures of the festival. It is hard to see from these, but there are two full streets of crafts and food. It has been an ortho wives tradition for many summers, and I will miss it! 

Ellasen and I have the greatest friends! My friends have been offering to watch Ellasen so that I can get packed up and ready to leave for Michigan. Ellasen has been having so much fun hanging out with her friends. We are really going to miss all these ladies and all their kids! 

Speaking of goodbyes we had another hard one the other day. The Hartzlers left town recently, and it was a tough goodbye for me and for Ellasen. I had to say goodbye to Sari and Ellasen had to say goodbye to Helen and Witt. They have been great friends for us. It is hard to believe I remember before Witt was even born! It has been a long five years! 

Emily invited Ellasen and I out to her grandparents farm the other day. We got to meet the farmer, see cows, ride on a 4 wheeler, see tractors and see cats. We even got a home cooked lunch. It was delicious and a really fun way to spend a morning! 

The Rochesterfest parade was the other day. It had been threatening rain all day, and even rained right before we left to walk to the parade, but then it cleared up so we decided to risk it. We weren't at the parade too long before it started to sprinkle. We got about 25 minutes in before it really started to pour! The girls (Ellasen and Kylie) had so much fun waving and collecting candy before the rain really hit. They got about 6 pieces total. They were super cute. They especially liked the gymnastics team that put on a little show right in front of us. Both girls take gymnastics, and they both asked it they could go out and do a somersault! We did have to walk about 1/2 mile back in the rain, but the kids were safe and covered in strollers so they didn't mind too much. 

It has been another fun few weeks here in Rochester. Our next post will be coming to you from Michigan! We have fun adventures planned for July including, the beach, Dora and Diego school, flower planting, gymnastics, bonfires and much more!

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