Eden and Everly are 3 Months Old!

We are falling more and more in love with these girls every day! They are so much fun! They are smiling up a storm these days, and it has been so much fun to watch them grow! I can't believe they have already been here for three months! They keep us very busy, but we are really enjoying every minute! 

Here are some things we notice about the girls as a pair:
*They nurse 6 times in 24 hours
*They at night from 10:45-7:30 AM (They each stir a little over night, but rarely need more than a pacifier)
*They take about 5 naps a day
*They smile all the time
*They love their big sister and smile when she comes near them
*They have discovered their hands and they constantly have them up by their mouths
*They are wearing mostly newborn clothes with a few 0-3 months thrown in
*They are wearing size 1 diapers
*They still sleep in bassinets in our room
*They like sitting in the bumbo and laying on the playmat
*They are starting to tolerate a bath, but it isn't their favorite

Here are a few things about Eden:
*She is a bigger eater - like by double! She nurses stronger and longer than Everly
*She is 9 lbs 14 oz! 
*She is constantly moving her arms and legs when she is awake
*She is very engaging and makes really funny faces
*She hates tummy time and usually gets bored on the play mat first
*She still has hair that can't be tamed...like at all.
*She still likes to sleep in her bed only or in my arms

Here are a few things about Everly:
*She is 9 lbs 12 oz! 
*She is calmer and more laid back than Eden
*She smiles with her whole body crinkling all up when she smiles
*She has a huge grin
*She likes to put weight on her legs
*She loves her play mat
*She can roll over from her tummy to her back
*She will sleep anywhere when she is tired
*She has recently started to be bothered by her reflux so she has started on medicine. It seems to be helping!

We are so lucky to be their parents! We just can't believe how cute they are, and how much fun we are having as a family of five! We are really looking  forward to all the milestones yet to come! 

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