Ellasen is 4 and a 1/2!

Where has the time gone!! Our first born is 4 and a 1/2! This is a fact that she will point out to you if you ask. She is super excited to be "almost 5".  I don't know if it is the birth of the twins or if this happens to all parents, but she seems to have doubled in age and size right before my very eyes. She is getting really tall! She grew over an inch in 6 months! She has these big girl hands, and big girl feet and the vocabulary of a 12 year old. When she sits on my lap I really sense how grown up she is becoming. She is still the kindest, sweetest kid I know, and we are so lucky to be her parents!

At 4.5 Ellasen:
Weighs 35.5 lbs
Is 40.5 inches tall
Sleeps from 8-8
Goes to school M/W/F afternoons

At 4.5 Ellasen can:
*Write all her letters
*Sound out many words
*Figure out what almost all words start and end with
*Draw many things: flowers, people, mountains, birds etc
*Hold babies
*Read some words: Cat, Sat, Dog, And, The, End, Love, Can, Has, Had (and more)
*Count to at least 100
*Count by 10's and 5's
*Count backwards (and backwards by 10's and 5's) 
*Do simple addition and subtraction

At 4.5 Ellasen loves:
*To go to school
*To play with friends
*To watch sports with Daddy
*To do anything with Daddy
*To help with her sisters
*To color
*To paint
*To play play doh
*To work on learning to read
*To learn everything about everything (read: endless questions)
*To take baths
*Having babysitters
*To explore NYC

At 4.5 Ellasen doesn't like:
*To be told she can't do something
*To go to quiet time
*To miss out on anything
*To get her hair brushed 
*To try new foods (We are working on it!)

She is our sweet, funny, kind, wonderful first born! She is growing up to be such an awesome kid! We couldn't be prouder!  We love her to the moon and back! 

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