5 years ago
Eden and Everly 7 Months
Eden and Everly turned 7 months on our last day in NYC. We are headed to my parents' house in Michigan today for the first part of our summer vacation. The girls are getting so big and changing every day it has been hard to keep up! Their 6th month of life was sort of a rough one. They were basically sick the entire month with back to back viruses. Everly started it with a bad virus including a pretty high fever and a bad cough that lingered on. Eden managed to miss that first virus, but when Everly caught a second virus just days after kicking the first one Eden decided to show her comradery and join her. Two sick babies are not fun! I often felt like I needed another me to comfort both of them at the same time. Just about the time they were finishing up that second virus Everly caught hand foot and mouth. Symptoms include a rash over the whole body including the soles of the feet and palms of the hands, fever and mouth sores. We went to the doctor to have her checked out and she said it would be almost impossible for Eden not to get it. For a day or two we thought we might be in the clear, but then Eden started showing symptoms too. The worst part is that for this virus we have had to keep Ellasen away so she didn't catch it. She really misses playing with them! I am so ready for both of them to feel better because these illnesses have been tough on all of us! Our little patient zero is feeling much better now, and Eden is well on her way to recovery as well. Besides the illnesses we have had a big month! Sitting up, beginnings of talking, baby food fun, etc! When we introduced the solids this month the girls seemed like they were ready to drop a feeding and a nap. It seemed like they were pushing in that directions so we gave it a try. They did well for a day or two, but really reverted back to their old 3 nap/6 nursing schedule pretty quickly. I don't think they are quite ready so for now we are staying put.
Here are some things we notice about the twins together:
*They sleep 8-7 with a dream feed at 10
*They always sleep in their crib together
*They eat baby food and oatmeal twice a day (breakfast 8 AM and dinner 5:30)
*They take three naps a day (8:30-10, 11:30-1, 3:00-4:00)
*They nurse 6 times a day
*They are still swaddled
*They are laughing more and more
*They are wearing size two diapers
*Baby food has made them both constipated
*They are both saying dada (making the "D" consonant sound)
*They both can sit in the tripod position for at least 5 seconds
*Neither are a fan of rice cereal. We sneak in the oatmeal by mixing it with baby food.
*They are both really into toys now. Anything that lights up or makes noise is a big hit!
*They both get a sippy cup of water at meals
*They both wear mostly 6 month clothes
Here are some things we notice about Eden:
*She can roll onto her tummy from her back now
*She loves people and would prefer to be held or talked to all the time
*She can actually jump in the jumpy now, but still prefers just to play with the toys
*She says mama (making the "M" consonant sound)
*She is down to a half a dose of reflux medicine a day
*She loves most baby food except for pears
*Her favorite toy is a Baby Einstein Music Box
*She is not patient at meal time and usually ends up getting fed first
*She is not a fan of the sippy cup
*She weights around 14.5 lbs
*She loves to be tickled around her neck
Here are some things we notice about Everly:
*She can really get around by rolling. I usually find her in a totally different place than where I put her down
*She can put her own paci back in her mouth
*She is still so happy and independent
*She is so strong and flips around on the changing table a lot
*She is totally off the reflux medicine
*She loves all baby food so far
*Her favorite toy is any kind of rattle she can make noise with
*She loves to play in her high chair and push toys onto the floor
*She will drink here and there out of the sippy cup with some help.
*She weighs around 15 lbs
*She loves to be tickled on her belly
This next month we will be having three baby food meals a day, pushing to drop a feeding and a nap, and working towards being unswaddled during naps. Wish us luck!
Despite the trouble this month has been with all of our illnesses, we wouldn't trade these girls for anything. Twins are so much fun! We love seeing them start to interact with one another more. They seem to miss each other when they are apart, and we are hoping to foster a close bond for many years to come.
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