Eden and Everly 10 Months

Eden and Everly are 10 months old today! I almost can't say that with a straight face! It seems like they were just one month old. Heck! It seems like yesterday that I was doing Ellasen's 10th month update. Crazy how time flies. We are falling more and more in love with these girls every day, and we feel so lucky to have them in our lives. At our last update we had just started some finger foods and that has been such a fun experience for both girls over this last month. They both have many foods that they love, and they are both really good at feeding themselves! I am really bad about offering a sippy cup of water with meals so they aren't great at that yet. That is my goal for this month: to offer the sippy cup at at least two meals a day every day. We don't have their appointment until the end of this month so I don't have any actual stats yet, but we know they are growing big and strong! The girls spent time apart for the first time is month. It was for about 30 minutes. Tim took Ellasen and Everly to the store and left Eden home with me. They didn't seem to notice, but it was strange for both of us to each only have one baby. The differences in their personalities and preferences are really coming out strong right now and they are starting to fight over share toys. We look forward to watching them grow and develop into themselves!

Here are some things we notice about both girls:
* Wear size 3 diapers
* Wear mostly 9-12 month clothes
*  Have cold feet now that the weather is changing
*  Love Ellasen and everything she does
* Sleep 12 hours at night
* Take 2 /2 hr naps a day
* Eat 3 meals a day
* Nurse 4 times a day
* Love bath time
* Can say Mama, Dada, Yaya, Baba (The first two they actually use correctly a lot, the other two are just babbling)
*Can mimic some sounds we make

Here are some things we notice about Eden:
*Hates to be tired
*Has 3 teeth, but is getting 4 more!!!
*Loves to be held
*Loves sweeter food
*Favorite foods are bread with peanut butter, bananas, cinnamon rolls, avocado, spaghetti, cheese, mango, oranges and yogurt

Here are some things we notice about Everly:
*Hates to be hungry
*Has 2 teeth
*Is crawing!!!
*Loves savory food
*Favorite foods are bread with peanut butter, bananas, avocado, peas, green beans, black beans, spaghetti, lunch meat and sausage
* Can wave

These girls truly light up our lives, and we are so excited to continue to watch them grow up!

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