Eden and Everly 14 Months

Eden and Everly are 14 months old! They are getting bigger, sillier, cuter and cuddlier all the time! Both girls continue to show pieces of their individual personalities, and we are really loving watching them grow and change. Everly has always been a daddy's girl, but recently she has been wanting to cuddle with me especially if she is tired or not feeling well. I love it!! She has started standing for a few seconds without holding on to anything. She is getting better at cruising around the furniture too. She will probably be walking pretty soon! Eden has started physical therapy to help with her gross motor delay. When we started physical therapy she was only really army crawling. She is now almost always 4 point (traditional) crawling unless she wants to get somewhere really fast. She can also easily pull up on things to her knees. She can pull up all the way to standing with fairly minimal help. She is working on her core strength and tone in her legs, ankles and feet. We love the physical therapist, Kathleen. She comes to our home and works with Eden in her own environment. She is so kind and fun, Eden just thinks she is a playmate. She doesn't even realize she is working out! Kathleen also lets Everly play and work with us too which is so nice. I am hoping she will be pulling up on her own in the next couple of weeks! We have switched both girls to a combination of goat's milk and soy milk. In our last update we had just switched Eden to almond milk which I love, but I realized it doesn't really have enough fat and calories for a growing baby. We switched Eden first because we thought she might have a cow's milk sensitivity. We wanted her to have a milk that was a little easier to digest. We payed close attention to her for about 2 weeks after the switch to see if it helped any with her mood. And boy did it ever! She is such a happy playful baby now. She still gets fussy here and there, but she is so much happier! We switched Everly because it was just easier to have them on the same thing, and she really likes it too!

Here are some things we notice about the girls together:
*They wear size 12-18 month clothes
*They wear size 3 diapers
*They sleep 7PM-7:45 AM
*They nap from 9-11 and 1-3
*They eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with no snacks
*They drink about 4 oz of milk at each meal and about 4 oz before bed
*They like one Baby Genius show on Netflix and it immediately settles them down when I put it on
*They both get really excited to see Tim or Ellasen
*They love to swing doors open and flip through board books
*They love to "talk" to each other. One says something and the other says it back and they go back and forth saying the same thing like they are having a one word conversation.
*They play together more and more. They like chasing each other around the house and playing peek-a-boo over and under the coffee table.

Here are some things we notice about Eden:
*She still loves to cuddle
*She likes any kind of tv show. If it is on she will watch
*She still throws everything out of her bed while she is falling asleep
*She loves to take everything out of a box or off of a table and then put it all back. She will do this for a long time.
*She will find small things like lint or crumbs to pick up and hand to me. I'll say "thank you!" and she loves when I say that so much that she will do it over and over pretending to pick things up and hand them to me.
*She thinks it is hilarious to poke Everly or Ellasen
*She loves to play "night-night" when she pretends to lay down and sleep
*She will not leave socks on. She pulls them off right away
*Some of her words are: all done, num-num, I got, love you, ay-yah (Ella), clap

Here are some thing we notice about Everly:
*She is getting cuddlier
*She loves music and will dance when it is on
*She loves to play "love Mommy?" (or whoever) when she lays down on you to give you a hug
*She likes to pick one or two toys and carry them around while she is exploring the house
*She likes to open drawers
*She only really likes her monkey paci. If that one isn't around another will do, but that is the only she always uses.
*We think she sleeps all night with a paci in her mouth. We are going to start getting rid of them soon...yikes.
*She still waves at everyone, even on the television
*Some of her words are: all done, cup, book, mama, dada, hi, uh-oh

**Side note: It is getting really almost impossible to get a picture of both girls in the chair. The minute I step back to snap the picture they both lunge head first and I have to fly forward to catch them before they fall off the edge of the chair. Everly was especially not interested this time. Here is some evidence:
mid-picture chair dive

take a picture of this mom! 


I'm shy...

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