5 years ago
Eden and Everly are 3!
These two cuties are 3 years old today! They continue to have very different personalities and opinions, but they really are best friends. I think the biggest change this year has been that all three girls have become very good playmates. They still have disagreements at times, but for the most part they can happily play for a long time all together.
At 3 Eden is so much fun. She is a happy sweet girl most of the time. She is still a picky eater with just a handful of favorites. She really loves pasta. She tends to eat one really good meal a day. She doesn't need very much sleep, but is usually happy to play in her bed if she wakes up before Everly. Eden gives these great big bear hugs that are so sweet, and she gets so genuinely excited about people and things that she loves. She loves to be included in everything, but is usually very happy to play independently as well. Eden still has a one side of her body that is a little bit weaker than the other so she is going to continue with physical therapy to work on that. She is really working on switching feet to go up and down the steps and jumping. Eden really likes school and her teachers. I think she loves singing in the chapel the best. Right now Eden is very into Elsa, the color blue, Santa, singing especially Christmas carols, dancing and baby dolls. She is getting better at sharing and not taking things from Everly and Ellasen. She says and does funny things all the time. Eden is the kind of funny that doesn't take any effort at all. You'll just look at her and she'll be making a funny face. Or you'll look over at her and she'll be dancing away instead of walking away. She makes us laugh and laugh. Eden is the rule breaker of the two. She isn't defiant necessarily, just very curious. She has a mind of her own and totally knows what she is capable of accomplishing. She weighs 27lbs and is almost 37 inches tall.
At 3 Everly is so sweet. She is sensitive and kind most of the time. She is totally a people pleaser. She wants everyone to be happy. She is starting to stand up for herself at times, but for the most part she just wants everyone to get along. She is not a picky eater at all. She hasn't really met a food she doesn't like. Some of the foods she likes that our other kids won't touch are raw red onions, chipotle sauce, green peppers, salsa and pickles. Some of her favorites though are pizza, eggs, chicken, dried fruit and pasta. She eats three good meals and a few snacks throughout the day. Everly is very sweet and happy as long as she isn't hungry or tired. She can turn on a dime and throw a huge fit, but usually a snack or a nap will help. Everly loves her people. She wants to be around people all the time. She will color for a long time independently, but for the most part she just wants to be where her people are. Everly really likes school too. She loves making the crafts and really takes her time on them. She is very strong and very solid. She does a lot of the exercises Eden does in PT and she is very athletic. Right now Everly is very into Anna, food, monkeys, baby dolls and coloring. She is sweet and cuddly most of the time. Everly loves to be tickled, and she laughs even before you get your hands on her. She loves to talk and tell stories and be silly. Everly is the rule follower of the two and she likes for things to have order. She weighs 28.5 lbs and is just over 37 inches tall.
These two make life interesting and fun each in their own unique way. We love watching their personalities develop and their friendship grow. We can't wait to see the new ways they surprise and entertain us over the next year.
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