August 2021

 We started this month with open houses for school! We first went to meet Eden and Everly's teacher, Mrs. Benson. We got to see their classroom and see some of their classmates. 

Then it was off to Ellasen's open house where she got to decorate her locker and walk her new middle school schedule! 

After open houses, it was time for a few last-minute visits with friends before school starts! 

Then after an amazing summer, it was time for the first day of school! Eden and Everly started 2nd Grade with Mrs. Benson and Ellasen started 6th grade with seven classes! 

Things went normally for a while with all of us getting back into the swing of things with our new school and activities schedules including lots of riding. 

And some skate park time for the twins.

Tim's new office opened up finally so the practice had a little party to celebrate. Tim's mom was here visiting so she got to attend also! 

Then we ran into a major problem. The school nurse called me and said Everly wasn't feeling great. I picked up both twins and brought them home. Everly had a sore throat, a low fever and a headache. She also claimed she was dizzy. To be extra safe I kept all the kids home from school the next day and took Everly to the doctor for some tests. We were shocked when she came back positive for Covid. We had been very careful wearing heavy-duty masks to school and sticking to outdoor activities with neighbors we knew were vaccinated and careful. We can only assume she had been exposed on the bus or at school because the rest of our county doesn't seem to realize Covid is still around. We decided to try to quarentine Everly by moving her into the guest bedroom. Eden and Ellasen were so sweet and moved a lot of her favorite things in there to help her feel at home. 

Unfortunately despite our best efforts, we all got Covid. In a way, it was easier because we didn't have to stay apart or wear masks anymore. I was glad to get back to snuggles. We did a lot of crafts, played an epic game of monopoly, and goofed around on snap chat. 

We also snuggled the dogs a ton! 

Here are a few more cute pictures from the month. As we finish out the rest of our quarantine we are looking forward to September when we can come out of our house again hopefully protected from Covid for a while!

Book character day


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