So much fun! That is exactly how I would describe this stage. Ellasen is more fun then I ever thought a child could be. She is funny and silly and curious and smiley and busy. This month has been a huge one in terms of all the new things Ella has learned. It is so amazing to me that she is almost a year old. It still feels like yesterday that she was in my tummy!
At 11 months Ellasen
*Is wearing 9-12 month clothing
*Size 3 diapers
*Drinks about 18 oz of formula a day
*Eats pretty much anything now except honey, strawberries, chocolate, nuts, eggs (not till 1 year)
*Takes 2 naps a day 9:30-11:30 and 1:30 to 3:00 usually
*Can clap
*Can wave
*Can drink from a straw
*Can pull to stand
*Can walk around furniture
*Can stand by herself for a few seconds
*Can say: Momma, Dada, cow, go, dog, yumyum, wow, uh-oh, up, down, baba(bottle), yes. There are probably more, but I can't remember them all!
*Pureed fruit
*Lunch meat
*Whole fruit, especially peaches and oranges
*Being bored in the car
*Being confined
5 years ago
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