All That Is...

My friend Erin and her family live just across the street from us, but their apartment overlooks 1st Ave and they have a balcony! The New York City Marathon runs right down 1st Ave so Erin made a beautiful brunch and we all gathered there to watch the runners! Yes, I recognize the irony that I was stuffing my face with delicious food while thousands of people were outside running off hundreds of calories! 

The female leaders at mile 16

The male leaders at mile 16

The girls enjoying their brunch

The crowd starting to pick up...these are still some of the fastest runners in the race! 

The leaves at Central Park are A-MAZ-ING right now! We took a trip over there to take a look! 

The girls played at one of the many playgrounds in Central Park. This one was a perfect size for them! 

Throwing some leaves!

We walked a short distance through the park to the Alice and Wonderland statue. This is an extremely famous statue in the park, and I think it is always crawling with kids. It was hard to get a photo of Ellasen on the statue partly because of all the other kids and partly because she was having too much fun climbing to pose! 

Just across from the Alice in Wonderland statue is the boat pond. This is a famous spot that has been featured in many movies. You can rent little white remote control sail boats. We didn't let the kids do it this day because it was getting cold, but I think we will do it before our time here is done. They had fun watching the boats though! 

They also watched the fish! 

We took Ellasen to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall the other night. She loved it! It was a perfect show for kids, and it included Santa and the living Nativity scene in addition to all the dancing, singing and costumes. As I was sitting there at the show I couldn't help but think how lucky I am and what a charmed life I lead! I am so thankful I get to be a part of this city for a little while! 

Getting ready to leave for the show! 

The decorations have started to go up around the city. These two are out in front of Rockefeller Center (across from Radio City Music Hall)

Here is the beginning of the famous Rockefeller Christmas Tree. It is comprised of many trees/branches and needs scaffolding to hold it together until it is complete! 

If you look closely you can see the ice rink in the background

Inside the main lobby

The view from our seats

An excited little girl! 

Ellasen had her tonsils out yesterday. Anyone who knows her knows she has always had trouble eating/swallowing bites of food. She eats tiny bites to compensate for her inability to swallow. We saw a specialist in NYC who said she was almost 90% blocked by tonsils so we opted to have them removed. We wanted to make sure it got done before the babies came. We tried to explain things to her before hand, and she did really well! 

Playing before surgery
Not so sure...

The Child Life Specialist showing her how the mask would work in the OR. She also had toys and stickers so she was totally a hit! 

I didn't take any after photos at the hospital because I was too busy comforting a sore sad little girl, but here she is at home after sharing chocolate ice cream with daddy. She is doing great!
Here are just a few random photos from the last couple of weeks! 

Birthday countdown has begun! She rips off one ring every morning! 
Eating with chop sticks! She is so cultured! She is actually pretty good! 

Some crafting has been going on in preparation for the twins! 
I made some Christmas bows for all three of our girls! 

Emily made beautiful bibs

and changing pad covers!

Sari made gorgeous hooded towels and washcloths! 
Checking out the first "snowfall" It was really just a few flurries! 

31Weeks Pregnant with Twins
In twins news, we are plugging along! I am now over 32 weeks and feeling good. I have gone into pretty serious nesting mode since I think these babies will probably make an appearance sooner than predicted. We have been busy getting things organized and ready for the babies themselves, and I have also been working hard to get all those other little things in order before these girls come. Babies are great any time they come, but holiday babies come with a whole slew of extra stuff to do! Think of how busy you are around the holidays and then just throw in a couple of babies! Plus, since this isn't my first holiday baby I have a 4 year old's birthday to plan in addition to Christmas! I am making sure all the birthday/Christmas shopping and decorating are done before these little ones arrive. It makes me feel better to have everything ready to go so whenever the babies arrive I can focus on them! I did the same thing when Ellasen was born. 
We have also decided on names. We haven't been keeping it a secret, but I also don't think I have announced it on the blog or anything. We don't have middle names yet, but we do have some combinations we like. The middle names will probably be a game time decision. We have three pairs and we will probably make the decision based on when they are born so stay tuned! Their first names are: 
Baby A: Eden, Baby B: Everly
I have an ultrasound 1 week from today to check on weight so I'll probably do another post around that time! We have just over 5 weeks at the longest until we meet these little girls! 

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