Let the Count Down Begin

We are still early trying to take advantage of the city before the babies come, but we are starting to take things just a touch slower. I have to watch how far I am walking during the days, I have to watch how many flights of stairs I take and how long I stand at one time. We are on the brink of 31 weeks at the moment I am typing this, and the babies are (combined) the same weight as Ellasen was when she was born! I am not counting down as in days or weeks, but more like events. We had my aunt come visit us for a long weekend, and I wanted to make sure the babies stayed put for her visit. Up next was Halloween which we made it through without incident. Next we have a little surgery scheduled for Ellasen that I want to make sure happens. She has to have her tonsils out poor thing! Once that has passed we really just have Ellasen's birthday and Thanksgiving before we are really good to go with these babies! Really any time in December would be great! In other twins news I got my first spontaneous "Is it twins?" the other day. Normally people ask me when I am due, then they look a little horrified when I say "Just before Christmas". Then I tell them it is twins and they literally exhale and come back with an "Oh! That makes more sense!" But this time I actually had someone look at me, point and say "Is it twins?" I am choosing to believe that this means I am growing large, healthy babies, and that I am getting close to the finish line. I am choosing NOT to believe that someone could simply look at me and KNOW that I am carrying two babies instead of one. By the way, if you have never been pregnant with multiples you may not know this, but people say REALLY crazy, insensitive things to us that you would NEVER say to someone pregnant with one child. Most people mean well, but it can get old. I mean, really, what if I hadn't been pregnant with twins when that person said that! I would have been really embarrassed. It was on a subway around many people! For those of you who haven't been pregnant with multiples just think of all the stupid things people say to you with your single pregnancy, and multiply it by about 100. 

Some of my favorites are:
1. Are they natural?
2. Did you have In-Vitro?
3. How many embryos did you transfer?
4. That sucks!
5. I have two young kids, that is like having twins! 
6. I have two young kids, that is worse than having twins! 
7. Do twins run in your family?
8. My sister/cousin/daughter/son-in-law's nephews aunt/ had twins and here is a super long story about         that! 
9. Well, at least you are getting it over with at once! 
10. You are done having kids right?
11. Better you than me! 
12. Double trouble!
13. What are you going to do?!

And last but not least, the ever popular, I don't think I have ever told ANYONE I am having twins without hearing this:

YOU ARE GOING TO BE BUSY/HAVE YOUR HANDS FULL (take your pick, but it is ALWAYS one or the other). 
To be fair, this one isn't insensitive or rude or even something that is limited to multiples (all moms hear this a lot), but it just sort of wears on you. I just laugh it off and nod my head politely, but what I usually want to do is yell "DUH!" or "Gee, I never thought of that!" or even "Wow! You are the first person in history to tell me that!"

Whew! Giant, swollen pregnant lady ranting here! I am done, now onto the photos of what we have been up to lately! 
Harbor Lights Tour

Amazing Manhattan Skyline

Rockefeller Center

St. Patrick's Cathedral - it was under construction, but still amazing!


River Walk

Radio City Music Hall
Shopping at Bloomingdales

Bethesda Fountain in Central Park
Cute Bulldog Puppy! 

My Grandma sent Ellasen a gift for every day my aunt was in town. She had so much fun opening a gift every day! 

My aunt took us to Newsies on Broadway! It was amazing! 

Lattes and a carriage ride through Central Park! 

Ellasen got to feed the horse a carrot!

Empire State Building

Top of the world! 

Monday Night Football - Giants Game! 

Much needed (way too expensive) haircut!

Times Square

Huge Disney store in Times Square

Loving the characters walking around Times Square!

The Dakota (John Lennon was shot here, and Yoko still lives here)

Strawberry Fields was dedicated to his memory

Ellasen on the imagine mosaic

The famous Bow Bridge

Playground at Central Park (West Side)

My friend Denel came to visit and took us to an amazing brunch in Soho
I let Ellasen paint my belly! She LOVED it!



  1. haha, LOVE your pregnant-with-multiples rant :) you have two beautiful, healthy babies in there, what a blessing...that is what they should say :) glad you guys are doing well and living it up before the big day!

    1. Ha! Thanks Jess! I think you might be the only one who loves my rants! We really are so blessed so I shouldn't do all that ranting!
