5 years ago
Eden and Everly 15 Months
This has been a really fun month for the twins. They are moving around and exploring their world more and more. They have become tiny twin tornadoes of destruction working together to pull down boxes and baskets emptying their contents in a fury and strewing them about the room. They open doors and cupboards, climb stairs, unfold laundry and create general mayhem wherever they go. And they aren't even walking yet! They are talking more and more and learning new things every day. Eden is making great progress with her physical therapy. She is pulling up on everything and even starting to cruise around furniture. Everly is standing unassisted and taking steps pushing a toy stroller or holding someone's hands. Both girls are saying more words all the time, but their favorite thing is to just babble back and forth to each other. The girls play very nicely together usually. Sometimes they want the same toy at the same time, but we usually let them figure it out on their own. We are working on being soft or gentle with each other and the dog. The girls have their well child visit on Monday so I'll update weights and heights a little later. We think they each weigh about 21 lbs!
Here are some things we notice about the girls together:
*They are both pulling up on furniture
*They wear size 12-18 month clothes
*They wear size 3 diapers
*They sleep from 7-7:30 at night
*They nap either from 9-11 and from 1-3 or from 12-3
*They love to play peek-a-boo, so big and sleepy time
*They love to give kisses and snuggles
*They can open cupboards and drawers
*They would rather play with something that isn't a toy
*They drink about 16 oz of milk a day
*They eat three meals and no snacks (we are going to start giving a snack around 4 to push back dinner some this month)
*They both still take a paci at night and during nap. I haven't gotten the courage to take them away yet
Here are some things we notice about Eden:
*She still needs less sleep
*She likes to throw her paci's out of her bed while falling asleep and then gets mad when she doesn't have one
*She is getting more and more confident about getting around
*She refuses to leave her sippy cup on her tray and always throws it down when she is done
*She loves most foods, but her favorites are pasta, applesauce, cereal bars, scrambled eggs and raisins
*She says a lot of words, but her favorites are all done, dog, hi, hello, mama, dada
*Her favorite books are Butterfly's Bath, Bubbles Bubbles and Goodnight Moon
Here are some things we notice about Everly:
*She loves to sleep
*She can sleep through Eden's noises usually
*She doesn't want to try to take steps on her own. If you try to encourage her she just sits down.
*She loves most foods too, but her favorites are sausage, peanut butter toast, goldfish, strawberries and pickles
*She is pretty easy going and doesn't usually get bothered by things
*She is loving snuggles more and more which is so great!
*She says a lot of words, but her favorites are cook, all done, hello, night night, look, okay
*She likes to pick one small toy a day, one that will fit nicely in her hand and carry it around all day long. She gets super upset if anyone tries to take it from her.
*Her favorite books are Hello Kitty's Our House, Frog's Friends, Goodnight Moon
Note: I usually do a monthly update about the rest of the family around this same time because it allows me to blog only once a month really, but I think I might try to space it out a little. I think I'll try to do a monthly update on the last day of every month. I'll still keep the twins update on the 18th. So our next monthly update will cover the last little bit of February and the whole month of March. From then on I'll do one every month!
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