Eden and Everly 16 Months

Eden and Everly are 16 months old! They are growing up so fast. Life is such a whirlwind sometimes that I am really grateful for these monthly updates because they give me a chance to reflect on these two precious girls. I love to see them develop and change as they grow. This has been a big month for the girls both in terms of vocabulary and gross motor skills. Neither of the girls is walking yet, but Everly consistently stands up without holding onto anything, can stand in the middle of a room for a long time without holding onto anything, and she can take about 3 steps (sometimes more) without falling. Eden is continuing with her physical therapy and she has recently developed a love for climbing. She will get up on top of anything she can climb on. She will play up there for a long time. She likes being high up! Both girls are now climbing on the couch and the stairs. Eden is starting to try to stand up without holding onto anything and is also attempting to let go after pulling to stand. All of these show great progress! She is still a ways from walking, but we are confident she will get there soon!

Both girls have added a lot of words to their vocabulary this month. Everly seems to be talking all the time. She babbles constantly and emulates real conversation. Eden takes her time with words and practices the same words over and over. Both girls are adding some new games. Everly makes a "stink eye" just like Ellasen used to do when she was this age. Everly can point to her belly button, nose and toes when you ask her where they are.  Both girls have started giving hugs to their stuffed animals and saying"Awww". When I ask the girls if they want to be "so big and walk" Everly tries to stand up and take steps and Eden will attempt to stand up or high kneel. Both girls love to point at things and people. Not sure how to teach them this might be rude, but luckily they are so cute most people don't seem to mind.

We have another weight check coming up because with all the moving around they have been doing these days they didn't gain enough at their 15 month check up. We have added in a few snacks throughout the day to help, but it seems like I am feeding them around the clock right now. Hopefully it will pay off when we get their weight checked in a few weeks.

Here are some things we notice about the girls together:
*They are the exact same height
*They love milk
*They take (usually) 1 nap a day
*They sleep from 7-7:30 at night
*They still take paci's in their cribs
*They love music
*They wear size 3 diapers and 12-18 month clothes
*They love the bath and running water
*They love to brush their teeth
*They can both say: All done, night night, Ella, gotta go, num num, hi, hello, mama, dada, uh-oh,               awww, craka (cracker), bye-bye
*They both love to make people laugh
*They both sign love you and blow kisses

Here are some things we notice about Eden:
*She loves to climb
*She always throws her food on the floor even if she is still eating
*She is a total flirt making super cute eyes at everyone
*She hates to have her face wiped and her hair done
*In addition to the words above she can say: love you, thank-you
*Her favorite toys are stuffed animals, blocks, books, Minnie Mouse
*Her favorite foods are crackers, pasta, waffles, green beans, apples, bananas, kiwis

Here are some things we notice about Everly:
*She is not as much of a risk taker as Eden
*She is a rule follower. I usually only have to tell her something once
*She loves to make "stink eyes"
*She can point to her belly button, nose and toes
*In addition to the words above she can say: look, piece, cook, chair,
*Her favorite toys are books, blocks, doll house pieces, paper
*Her favorite foods are crackers, pizza, toast, green beans, bananas, cereal, fruit bars

We are so thankful for these girls every day! They make our lives so interesting and fun!

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