Ellasen's 6th Birthday Party

We were lucky that Ellasen's 6th birthday fell on a Saturday so we were able to have her party on her actual birthday! We rented out a room at Get Air which is a trampoline park. We invited a bunch of friends, and we all had a great time! Ellasen wanted her theme to be rainbow so I picked out a rainbow of cupcakes, had rainbow fruit skewers and did a rainbow themed candy and favor bar for all the kids. We had a family birthday cake later too! I think Ellasen had a very special day!

The candy/favor bar

The twins had a great time celebrating Ellasen!

golf clubs

American Girl Wardrobe

American Girl bed

Eden enjoying her cake

Everly enjoying her cake

We had a great time celebrating this not so little one! We are so proud of her and we can't wait to see what this year brings for her!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, sweet Ellasen! Also, that cake is amazing!
