So we don't have our chair down here so there is no way for me to keep up the exact monthly pictures. This is our bed down here and since it is a queen sized one I figured everyone could picture how big she is getting! Just a few short notes about 14 months:
*Ellasen is WALKING! She is getting so good at it too! She can also wave, give high fives, clap, nod her head yes and no, give hugs and kisses, blow kisses and make lots of different funny faces.
*Ellasen can say probably 25 words, but she is starting to use a few of them appropriately. She can sometimes tell us when she is "done" eating and she always says "done' when we finish a book. She says "uh-oh" when she drops something or when she falls down. She says "num-num" when we are at the grocery store, when she is in the kitchen, when she sees food in a book, when she is in her high chair and when anyone is eating something. She says "gotta go" when we are leaving the house or getting in or out of the car seat. She says "thank you" when she hands you something or when you hand her something. Some other things she can say are: all done, big girl, babies, blue, good girl, up, down, nana (banana), mama, dada, grandma (grama), peekboo (peek-a-boo), hi, baaa (what a sheep says), meow, kuk (quack), baba (sippy cup), hush, no, no-no, yes, wow, oh-wow, bye. There are more, but these are the ones we hear every day.
*Ellasen is totally off the bottle. She had been taking one (with whole milk in it) before bed every night, but we are bottle free now!
*Ellasen is totally into books. She wants to read the same ones over and over in our laps. Her favorites are Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?, Goodnight Moon, Colors, Let's go to the Zoo, Hugs for Baby, Good Night Good Morning, Mickey Mouse Club House - Back to the Club House Music Book.
This is a very fun time. Ellasen is always doing something funny or amazing. She is learning all the time and it is so great to see and be a part of. We love being her parents!
5 years ago
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