Ellasen is 5 and 1/2!

Our big girl just keeps getting bigger and bigger! She is so amazing inside and out!

During a mom class I took at our church recently I learned about the four temperaments. Hippocrates basically said people fall into one of four categories based on what drives their actions and personality.  The four categories have fancy names, but they have each been assigned a color as well: red, blue, green, and yellow. I think these assigned colors correlate nicely with the descriptions of each temperament. Through this class I discovered that Ellasen was as yellow as any yellow could be. Yellows are outgoing, friendly, fun-seeking, imaginative, lively, talkative, warm-hearted and optimistic. They love to perform, love to be praised, love to tell stories and love to be the center of attention. I could not write a better description of Ellasen. She is all these things and so much more! We just love our little yellow sunshine and all the joy she has brought to our lives!

At 5.5 Ellasen
Weighs 40 lbs
Is 46 inches tall!! (3" in 6 months)
Sleeps from 7:45-7:30
Goes to Kindergarten M-F 8-3PM at Crabapple Academy
Is taking swimming lessons
Is taking gymnastics 
Is taking ballet
Won the "Writer of the Year" award at school

At 5.5 Ellasen Can:
Sound out words
Write stories
Skip count (5's,10's,20's etc)
Count backwards
Add and subtract 
Count coins
Sign her name in sign language
Spell her name in Spanish
Do a forward roll
Walk on a balance beam
Pump her legs while swinging
Memorize lots of songs

At 5.5 Ellasen Loves:
Eden and Everly
To hang out with Daddy
To write stories
To color
To sing
To swim
To dance
To perform
To read
To be read to (we started chapter books!)
Having babysitters
Her teacher: Ms. Winter
To take walks
To swing
To help Mommy in the kitchen
To practice her Spanish words
Pizza, fish, broccoli, green beans, chicken, bananas, watermelon, peanut butter, pancakes, strawberries

I did an interview with Ellasen and here are some of my favorite answers:

Me: What is your favorite color?
Ellasen: Pink and Purple
Me; If you had to pick just one?
Ellasen: Blue

Me:What do you want to be when you grow up?
Ellasen: A mommy

Me: What do you do really well?
Ellasen: Draw pictures

Me: What are you afraid of?
Ellasen: Bugs! Except for ladybugs and butterflies

Me: What makes you laugh?
Ellasen: Funny jokes

Me: Do you have any hobbies?
Ellasen: Hobbies? What are hobbies?

This girl is silly, sassy and just an all around joy! We are so proud of who she is becoming. She has a kind heart and we are so glad she belongs to us! 


  1. I would have loved to have gone to that seminar! Ellasen is so grown up.

    1. Esther it really was great! I learned a lot! Your boys are growing up fast too! Every time I see their picture I can't believe how big they are getting! Miss you!
