Monthly Update May

May has been a fun month for the Griffith Family. Tim and I started the month by going on a date night to an Atlanta Braves game. We actually had to get dressed up because Tim was meeting with some colleagues during the game and checking on some players before and after the game. I actually got to spend some time in the family gathering room where all the wives hang out before the game. That was fun!

We celebrated Ellasen's teacher during teacher appreciation week! We gave her a little gift every day of the week with a cute little saying. Example: You were the highlight of my year (highlighters), Hands down you are the best (hand soap), I could never erase the mark you left on me (dry erase markers and eraser). I had Ellasen write the "key" word for each day. It was a fun project. 

Eden started standing up without holding onto anything this month! She is actually taking steps now too! 

I got to celebrate an amazing Mother's Day! Ellasen got me a gift certificate to get a mani/pedi and she came with me! We even went to lunch first! 

We got to have our first pool day of the year this month! Ellasen was off swimming!

Ellasen got her first little love note. 

The twins are getting really good at climbing! 

Gunner usually tries to protect them on the couch.





Ellasen's school hosted a Kindergarten Showcase. She has been talking about it for months, and they really put in a ton of work to pull it off! There was singing and dancing and so much more! It was adorable.

Ellasen got the award for Writer of the Year!

We baked cupcakes for the last day of school and since Ellasen's half birthday happened to be that day we used it to celebrate! 

These big kids had their last days of ballet and gymnastics.

These two crazy lovebirds celebrated 7 years of marriage this month! 

I got beautiful lilies to celebrate! I think he still digs me! 

Since summer is decidedly upon us here in the south I decided it was time for some outdoor summer toys for the kids. We got Ellasen a bike and helmet and the twins a water table for the deck. 
Picking out just the right one! 

Test driving a few!

Getting our safety gear on! 

She's off! 

Everly loving the new water table

So much fun! 

Some times they look like such twins to me. Anyone else? 

I just put this one in because those ruffle bottoms are so cute!
We have had a really great May! We are looking forward to even warmer weather, summer camp for Ellasen and a visit from my parents in June! 

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