Eden and Everly 17 Months

Eden and Everly are 17 months old! This has been the most exciting month I think in terms of their development. They are doing so much more now then they were when I wrote their 16 month post. Watching them learn something new every day is amazing. Eden is taking several steps now, and Everly is pretty much walking. She does resort to crawling when she wants to get somewhere really fast. Both girls are crawling up the stairs and climbing on top of everything. They can get down from most heights without too much trouble, but haven't mastered going down the stairs. Everly is talking a ton. She is repeating everything she hears. She can put a few words together now and answer several questions. Eden is more careful with her words and talks less, but she is watching and listening all the time. She will regularly say things I haven't ever even heard her practice because she has waited until she can say it just right. Everly is getting tougher every day. She used to be super easy going and go with the flow, and that caused her to get walked over a little by Eden. Everly is holding her own these days though putting up a bit of a stink if Eden tries to take her toy or her spot on Mommy's lap. Eden is taking the hint some, and is getting a little better at not being in charge all the time. These girls really are the best of friends. They regularly share, hug, kiss and make each other laugh. Their twin talk is alive and well, and we regularly find them babbling back and forth to one another like they are having a real conversation. It might be one of the cutest things they do. This twin thing is a ton of work, but it really is so much fun!

Here are some things we notice about the girls together:
*They eat three meals a day and three snacks (the third "snack" is milk before bed)
*They sleep 7-7:30 and take a nap from 1-3
*They wear size 3 diapers and 12-18 month clothes except for shorts which need to be smaller
*They love the bath, the playroom, daycare at the gym and snack time
*They love Ellasen and ask about her many times a day
*They love to climb on the couch and up the stairs
*They love to dance and listen to music
*They love to make silly faces
*They sign love you and more
*They love to high five
*They can point to their belly button, eyes, nose and cheeks
*New words are: At school, baby, cereal, apple, open, eyes, shoes, song, kiss, pants, cup, milk, more, aww, car, boat

Here are some things we notice about Eden:
*She weighs a little over 19 lbs
*She is walking!!!!!
*She is so proud of herself for walking. She gets this huge grin on her face
*She sticks her tongue out to be funny
*She is much better about getting her hair done, but she covers her eyes while I do it. It is my favorite.
*She likes to be the boss
*She is either in a great mood or a terrible one, there isn't much in between
*She is not a great eater, but she does love broccoli, green beans, corn, turkey dogs, quinoa, yogurt, apples, bananas, pasta and chicken
 *Her favorite toys are books, her baby doll, and her push stroller

Here are some things we notice about Everly:
*She weighs over 20 lbs!
*She is walking
*She is very happy most of the time
*She is a great eater and her favorite foods are crackers, fruit snacks, chicken, fish, sausage, eggs, waffles and applesauce
*She makes funny faces just like Ellasen used to. Her favorites are crazy eyes and stink eyes
*Calls Eden "Sissy"
*She loves to sleep
*She loves to play patty cake
*She loves "Row Row Row Your Boat" and asks me to sing it over and over
*She points at thing and says "that?" asking what it is.
*Her favorite toys are books, little people dolls, blocks, and puzzles

Here are some pictures that prove how hard it is to get a picture of these two together!

These girls light up our world! We are so lucky they belong to us!

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