Monthly Update March '17

March was a big month in our house! The twins started music class and swim lessons. Tim started back with the Braves and the Swarm and attended a conference in San Diego. Ellasen got a bad stomach bug, but was on the mend after a couple of days in bed. We had almost our entire main floor painted, and the house is starting to come together! This is the time of year where the weather doesn't really know if it is spring or winter so getting outside has been hit or miss, but we made the most of all of our time together!
before and after

Ellasen packed us a nice picnic one Saturday while Tim was out of town. We took it to our playground! 

Ellasen has been learning so much in 1st Grade! She loves it! 


The twins love their new swimming lessons. They are having such a great time! 

They are also loving music class. Music class is very interactive and it takes a lot of work to keep track of both girls so I haven't been able to take many pictures, but it is so much fun! We got a cd that we listen to in the car. They both really love it! 

I have been playing a ton of tennis. Spring season started this month, and I am loving it. I even got to play against the twins' preschool teacher's team! We weren't playing the same line so we weren't opponents, but it was great to see her outside the school! 
 I also had my monthly girls' night out with my friends. We had a great time celebrating 3 birthdays with Italian food and lots of wine! 

Tim started back with the GA Swarm by throwing out the first ball at the first game! 

Tim is also back with the Atlanta Braves. They play their first game tonight in the new stadium Suntrust Park. Tim has been busy attending spring training and getting the whole roster ready to play! 

Since he has been gone a lot this month Tim sent me flowers to thank me for picking up all the slack at home! So sweet!

This pumpkin had a bad stomach bug this month! It was rough! 

We went to our friend Sydney's 6th birthday party this month. It was a cold day and the party was outside at a playground, but Everyone had fun celebrating. She asked for chocolate chip cookies instead of cake!

We usually spend about an hour at the playground after school if the weather is nice. We bring snacks and enjoy all our friends and some fresh air. Since the girls don't have access to a bathroom during this time I keep a potty in my car for emergencies. It has come in handy more than once! 

Here are a few more random pictures from this month.

April is filling up quickly and will include my annual girls' trip with my Ortho Wives Club from our time at Mayo. This year we are going to Charleston. I can't wait! 

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