Eden and Everly 1 Month Old!

The girls were one month old yesterday! I can't believe how much our life has changed in the last 30 days. These two girls have fit seamlessly into our family. The girls continue to be great nursers and sleepers. We are so lucky! They eat about every 3 hours during the day and once over night. We are consistently getting two five our blocks of sleep overnight. Well, we would be if Tim didn't have to get up for work, and I didn't have to get up with a four year old! Before the girls were born we arranged for some help every day. I have a friend who is taking Ellasen Monday, Wednesday and Friday for play dates and school, and a mother's helper who comes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The mother's helper plays with Ellasen and does the dishes and laundry and some light cleaning. Both types of help are so wonderful, and we don't know what we would do without it. Help like this has allowed me to really concentrate on nursing the girls which was a major goal of mine. Here are some things we notice about the girls together and individually. 

Both Girls:
*Are nursing 6-7 times a day at the same time
*Take 4-5 naps a day at the same time
*Are growing steadily
*Are still in preemie clothes (Eden will probably move to newborn in a few more days)
*Are still in newborn or preemie diapers
*Have lost their belly button scabs
*Hate baths 
*Still sleep in bassinets in our room
*Are starting to turn their heads to loud noises 
*Have sensitive skin with a little bit of baby acne

*Weighs about 7.5 lbs
*Has some painful reflux like Ellasen did
*Nickname: Baby Monster. This is not very flattering, but she is constantly making grunting noises like a monster. This is because of her reflux, but she grunts all the time even in her sleep! 
*Is fussier than her sister. She doesn't deal with being hungry or tired with much grace yet. She also doesn't like getting her diaper changed.
*Still has most of her long black hair. She is getting a little bald spot on the back of her head! 
*Makes really funny faces with bug eyes and fish lips
*Is usually wide awake after nursing.

*Weighs about 6.5 lbs
*Has reflux where she spits up a lot, but it doesn't seem to bother her much.
*Nickname: Little Old Man. Also, not very flattering, but she does look like a little old man complete with male pattern baldness and a wrinkled forehead.
*Is very calm. Not much bothers her. If she is starving she will cry, but otherwise she is pretty easy going.
*Has kept what little hair she was born with.
*Is a very consistent and steady nurser who falls off asleep when she is finished. 

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