Photo Dump

Just a few quick pictures to share! 

Eden is on the left and I am on the right. We might have some similar features! 

Strawberry behinds

Ellasen went to a friend's birthday party last weekend

Throwing confetti

Cupcake time

This is a box from Amazon. It contains one month's worth of diapers...


  1. I think we've been talking about Eden and Everly so much, that this morning Kylie told me she wants 2 baby sisters and 2 baby brothers! Oh my! I had to break her little heart when I told her there was no way that was going to happen! :) Maybe we can make a trip up to visit in February?! Let's talk soon!

  2. Ha! that's hilarious! You never know! Ellasen is already asking for a brother! February sounds great!
