
The twins are really doing great! We have had three weight checks now, and they have been gaining steadily! The girls are officially rocking the preemie chart! Both are well over their birth weight now which means we can let them go in the night without having to wake them up to eat. They are eating about every 3.5 hours during the day (7:30, 11:00, 2:30, 6:00, 9:00 (sometimes we squeeze two feedings between 8-10 PM), and once at night between 2 AM and 3 AM. Tim is so great and gets up with me in the night to help change the babies and bring them to me. This shortens all of our awake time which is so nice! Usually we are up for between 30-45 minutes at night (Gotta love that tandem nursing!) Each baby has a side (Eden on the left and Everly on the right) and that seems to work great! The girls are still pretty sleepy. At the 7:30 feeding they usually go right back to sleep afterwards. After the 11:00 and the 2:30 and the 6:00 feeding we usually give them a little awake time in the swings or bouncy seats or in someone's arms. Their awake time is usually about 15-20 minutes at the most! Eden tends to be a little fussier. She usually wakes up first, she usually grunts during her feedings and afterwards for a few minutes. She also really hates getting her diaper changed or her clothes changed most of the time. Everly is much calmer. She really just goes with the flow. If we don't put Eden down pretty quickly after she eats she gets overly stimulated just like Ellasen used to. Everly will easily fall asleep in someone's arms regardless of the noise or lights in the room. They do pretty much everything together. They eat together and sleep together. When we change one we change both, when we bathe one we bathe both. It makes life much easier! Ellasen is adjusting really well, but my mom is still in town until Sunday. My mom has been getting up with Ellasen in the morning, putting her to bed and doing everything in between! My mom has also been fixing our meals and cleaning the house and doing the laundry. I am still not sure what I am going to do when she leaves, and I think Ellasen is going to have a really hard time with it! I know I have to do it myself at some point, but I think I am in for a rude awakening. When the girls are 1 month old I'll do another post with a picture of them in the rocking chair. I did this for Ellasen during her first year, and it was fun to watch her grow. I'll do that each month for the girls too. Here are a couple of pictures of what we have been up to these last few days.
Ellasen holding Eden's hand

Daddy and Everly

Eden sound asleep

Daddy and Eden

Daddy and Eden

Ellasen is still our silly sleeper! 

This is how Eden looks after nursing...wide awake

This is how Everly looks after nursing...sound asleep

Nana the Great! 

Erica and Chris came to visit us! It was so good to see them and introduce them to the twins! 

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